CopperHeart Solar Water Heater - Complete 40 Gallon
Integral Collector Storage (ICS)
Simple, Durable, and Reliable
The CopperHeart integral collector storage system, or ICS, combines thermal
collection and storage in a single unit. The CopperHeart is engineered to
meet the international demand for a simple, durable and inexpensive domestic
water heating system. The retrofit CopperHeart installation
typically serves as a solar preheater to the existing electric or gas water
heater. For new construction the backup heater of choice is most
often a compatible gas or electric tankless water heater. In non-freeze climates
the CopperHeart may be used as the primary water heater. For
durability, reliability and simplicity of installation and operation the
CopperHeart ICS has no peers.
If properly installed and maintained the CopperHeart ICS can safely be
deployed in areas that experience occasional mild freeze conditons. SRCC
Rated Freeze Tolerance: 20° F for 18 hours.
FSEC Certified
Solar Water Heating Benefits:
• Save up to 80% of
water heating costs
Save up to 30% of total energy costs
• Passive Systems have best
price/performance ratio
Federal tax incentives
Hot water 365 days a year
Investment against future energy costs
• Compact solution for hot
water production
CopperHeart Collector Specifications
• Low Iron Tempered Glass
Primary EPDM Glazing Seal
• Secondary Silicone
Glazing Seal
• Moderately Selective Absorber
• Stainless Steel Fasteners
• Seamless Copper Storage Cylinders
EPDM Grommets Riveted Corners
• Extruded
Anodized Aluminum Casing and Capstrip
• Rigid
Foam Insulation
• 15% Silver Brazed
• Integral Mounting Channel
• FSEC Certification #S9120
Model CP-40
Fluid capacity: 40 gallons
Dry weight: 281
Wet weight: 615 lbs.
Width: 36.2 inches
Length: 98.2
Depth: 6.8 inches
Gross area: 24.7 sq. ft.
Net aperture: 21.5
sq. ft.
Rated internal working pressure @ 200F in PSIG: 120
Inlet and
outlet piping: 3/4 inches
Inlet to outlet center to center: 28.9
CopperHeart Warranty: 10 Year Limited Manufacturer
CopperHeart SRCC G300 System Ratings
The Solar Rating & Certification Corporation OG-300 systems level rating
is an independent assessment of both system reliability and performance.
Systems that receive this rating must meet HUD minimum property standards in
addition to a rigorous review performed by SRCC staff and design review team.
Once the system has passed these quality assurance checks it undergoes a
full performance analysis to estimate the actual solar contribution of the
system towards an average hot water load. This contribution, as defined by
the Solar Energy Factor is listed alongside the different variants of
each system type.
CopperHeart Deluxe/2-Way Kit – Use in
conjunction with a conventional water heater, or an instantaneous water
Function: When hot water is required, solar heated
water is drawn from the unit directly into a conventional or tankless water
heater, thus eliminating or reducing electricity or gas usage required for
heating water. Hot water is then distributed directly to the
of-use. The water heater must remain turned on to provide backup
heat as required, and to maintain a ready supply of hot water.
Applications: Well suited for use in tropical, sub-tropical
"SunBelt", and temperate type climates where mild-to-hot temperatures exist
year round and conventional water heaters are always used - and free hot
water is desired or required.
Performance: Hot water output is
dependant on available solar radiation. Backup provides constant supply
when solar performance is temporarily interrupted by inclement
Control Valve: A manual 2-Way plumbing configuration allows
for isolation of the ProgressivTube system for maintenance or winterizing,
and is typically adjusted on a seasonal basis only.
Deluxe 2-way Complete System includes:
CopperHeart Solar Collector Unit
• Mounting Hardware Kit -
choose from flush, fixed, or tilt
• Roof Flashing Kit - copper fittings
and flashings for pipe-through-
• roof
plumbing penetrations
• TwoWayFlo Plumbing Kit - copper fittings,
AquaMix anti-scald mixing
• valve, vacuum
breaker valve, pressure relief valve, 2 boiler drain
• 2-Way Configuration of 2 2-way ball valves
More Info » Deluxe Package Parts
See more CopperHeart Installation Photos here
Manufacturer: SunEarth, Inc.
of Solar: A properly sized ICS Solar Water Heater system will raise
water temperature as high as 140+ degrees.
addition to heating the water, your hot water reserves can be increased by as
much as 50 percent, if the system is combined with a conventional
or instantaneous gas or electric heater serving as a backup
Other benefits include increased equity in the
home, a 25% return on your investment, plus the BONUS of
hot water during power outages!
Reduce monthly household operating expenses
Save money without reducing comfort or convenience
• Conserve resources and reduce air pollution
As with all solar water heaters, the total amount of solar
contribution to the system is dependent upon the hot water consumption
pattern, daily weather conditions, and variable amounts of available
sunlight throughout the year.
» Contact Customer
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help line offering unit sizing support
Online e-mail technical and installation support
• Brand and cost-of-operation comparisons
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